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2024/07/26 20:00 〜 2024/07/27 19:59

Unagi Pictures - Postcard Service (we will send a postcard to you from our vacation destination)





* This is not a tour for stuffed animals. 海外在住のお客様向けの商品になります。 Unagi Pictures is a service that delivers postcards addressed to your stuffed animal. This time, the Eels will send a postcard to your stuffed animal during their summer vacation trip in August. Due to the private nature of the Eels' vacation, we would like to limit this offer to customers who have joined one of our tours or Unagi Pictures service before. Eel guides from Unagi Travel will travel, think of you, take pictures, make a short message into a postcard, and post it from the destination. This time, their travel will NOT be posted on social media. 1. We would like to accept orders (scheduled from July 26, 8pm to 27, 7:59pm Japan time). 2. An email will be sent to you within 24 hours. 3. Please fill out the questionnaire (by August 5, Monday Japan Time). 4. We will email you the date the eels will go on vacation. We will share photos and information about our trip via email and cloud folder only to the customers who have signed up. We will not post the photos on social media. 5. You will receive your postcard in about 1 week to 10 days(scheduled). (Around the end of August or early September) In the unlikely event that you do not receive it after one month due to postal conditions, we will send it again, but it will be from Tokyo, Japan. Thank you!
